Mr Kapil Sethi
An experienced and highly skilled urological surgeon who is dedicated to providing patients the highest quality level of care.
Kapil prides himself on providing individualised care, tailored to your requirements. Committed to your good health and with a calm, professional approach to put you at ease.

Robotic surgery allows Kapil Sethi to perform minimally invasive and complex procedures. The benefits are less pain and scarring, reduced blood loss and time in hospital, plus a quicker recovery period.
Complete care and precision provided through a range of services for urinary tract disorders, with surgical and non-surgical treatment options.
Patient registration, resources and useful guides for patients explaining common urologic symptoms including blood in urine, raised PSA, trouble urinating and kidney stones.
Performing surgery
in these hospitals:
Kapil Sethi consults at the
following locations:
East Melbourne
St Vincent’s Private Hospital,
Suite 2/141 Grey Street
Moreland Specialist Centre,
255 Moreland Road
Level 1, Consulting Suites,
Northpark Private Hospital,
135 Plenty Road
Shepparton Urology Group,
32 Wyndham Street